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                Our Advantages





                Company profile

                Zhejiang Xinlong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has over ten years' experience in manufacturing Power Transmission Parts. With a professional team, we specialize in R&D and manufacturing Locking Assemblies, Backstops, Shrink Discs, Tapered Adapters and Couplings.

                Following "Ringfeder" standard, our XKN series Locking Assemblies are widely used in shaft and hub connections, especially in mining industry. Backed up with our experienced research team, we also could offer special designs according to customers' unique needs. Till now, our products have been successfully recognized by top six mining equipment manufacturing groups in China for high quality and excellent performance and also we have expanded our oversea markets to United States, Australia, India and Japan.

                We also offer all kinds of backstops which are widely used in speed reducers. We have GN Roller Backstops, High Speed No-Contact Backstops and Low Speed Sprag Backstops. Our transmissible torques can reach up to 1000000N.M. We strictly follow the original designs which came from Japan and Germany and successfully reduce costs by using cheap production workforce in China. Now, our backstops have won a good reputation in mining, cement and steel milling plants.

